Written by Trey - A great week from the group. We accomplished a lot. This was the first installation of job captains and as I went first I felt like I needed to step into the leadership role. At the start of Monday, I learned a lot about what it means to conduct myself around my fellow workers and I learned how to be a leader. I also...
Written by Emma Scott - I Am Job Captain
This week I was assigned the new, leadership role of Job Captain. The introduction of this new title means that our instructors now have confidence that we students have the necessary knowledge to partially manage a job site. We’ve gotten to the point where we’re able to...
As we are now more than halfway into the program I find it a rather long overdue to introduce myself. My name is Madeline Visser and I am the Semester Course Teachers Assistant and the master of copy and paste behind the blogs. I am originally from Salt Lake City, Utah but I moved to Vermont after living in an experimental architecture...
Written by Sawyer Cunningham - Our trip to Montreal began with students sitting in the van waiting for instructors for our “wheels up at 8:30” departure time.
The drive felt shorter than expected. Border control went smoother than expected. Montreal was different than expected. Despite my numerous visits to the city in...
Written by Lily Hammerling - This past week we spent putting up the rest of the walls. We had to construct the walls in two sections in case we had to dismantle the building if our permit didn’t go through, so the first walls all used 8 foot studs, bringing them to about 100.5 inches total including the bottom plate and two top sill plates. The...