these sustainable stairs are of solely salvaged stuff. we sawed and sanded simultaneously for simple strength. surely these stompin' steps sit securely should you [s]need to shit. show up and see their sassy stringers and sexy slats sometime soon.
Progress is slowly being made on the sheathing of the timberframe cabin. We hope to be the group of interns to snag the "completing cabin 3" distinction. Interior and exterior siding and a set of stairs to replace the ramp are the main requirements, but given the site's tricky topography, the project might prove somewhat more time-consuming...
Looking to ward off the chilling effects of weeks of diluvian Vermont rains, Orion takes a break from the Ark design/build project (tailored to accomodate a crew of 7 interns and one kitten) and warms up his audience with some fire-dancing action, drawing out dragons with his cotton-kevlar wicks.When not planning biblical escapes on the Mad...