Shop Programming Meeting: Shop Functionality, September 22, 2015

The second meeting in the Phase 1a Shop Building Programming Meeting series, held on September 22, 2015, focused on shop functionality. Similar to the first meeting, it was facilitated by Rob Bast and Mac Rood of Bast & Rood Architects and attended by staff, faculty, interns and friends of Yestermorrow.The first shop of four will serve as the carpentry shop for the Yestermorrow campus. The program for the building features a 2000 sq. ft. shop and 1,000 sq. ft. classroom. It is anticipated that this shop will house a variety of programs, as such shall be designed for flexibility and to support various formats of instruction and projects.

The meeting opened with a discussion about classes that the shop will support, including but not limited to: carpentry, timber framing, natural building, and the semester program. One of the main goals of Yestermorrow’s first shop is to replace the outdoor building tent, “the hangar”, currently the only covered space large enough to facilitate the construction of large structures including tiny house projects.  At this time, the maximum size structure is guided by road limits, which constrains the structure size to a maximum of a 14’ wide, 30’ long, 14’ 6” high.

The adjoining classroom will serve as a place for lecture and other class functions. This could possibly include smaller studio-based classes, but at 1000 sq. ft., will not be large enough to replace the 15-student studio that is in the main building. The current studio is approximately double the size as 2000 sq ft, housing a variety of large classes and the semester program. The group discussed the idea of enlarging the size of the classroom in order to enable the use of this studio for the semester program as well as large studio classes, rather than waiting until a later phase. An additional discussion focused on enlarging the program of the building to allow for the occurrence of simultaneous classes.

The general sense is that we may need to revisit the program, possibly consider creating the largest structure within budget to allow for flexibility program support.  This may include designing one large shop that can be partitioned off as a classroom/studio, rather than having a completely separate classroom. While it is not ideal to include the classroom within the shop itself, it may be a worthwhile consideration.

Tools: A list of tools was generated. This list is still in the works – please send additional ideas to Rob Bast at

  • 2 Table saws
  • 2 Joiners
  • 2 Planers
  • Belt sander
  • Edge sander
  • 16” stationary sander
  • Drill press
  • Chop saw
  • Router

The machinery will be portable, supported by wheel systems so the shop can be cleared per the needs of each class.

Air Quality: Air quality is of utmost important, and as such, a mobile dust collection system (2 or 3 bag central system) with stationary perimeter ducting will meet the needs of portable tools. Canister vacuums and an air filtration system will remove dust when the collection system may not need to be turned on.

Finishes: A ventilated spray room will allow for painting and finishing, and include rack space for drying. Possible consideration for creating a connection to the future fine woodworking shop was discussed. Additional space for staging materials will benefit many classes.

Floors: The floor surface needs to be strong enough to support the heaviest of structures, such as a tiny house which weighs in at approximately 14,000 pounds, not including the transportation vehicle it will be housed on. Concrete is the natural solution for this need. A raised platform was discussed as a means for working on an elevated surface and creating space under the structure to allow for moving it from the building; however, some felt that a flat floor surface is more versatile.

Walls: The wall surface must be a practical, hard surface that can be flexible and used as a workspace and teaching space. It was agreed that drywall is not ideal, and other materials such as wood should be considered.

Doors: Door sizes will need to be designed to account for both materials and people, likely different sets in different locations.

Storage: Storage such as small lockers will support students in a variety of classes.

Lighting: Natural lighting is essential for energy conservation and creates an appealing work environment. The LED lights in the existing studio were mentioned as a good option for artificial lighting as they give off a light similar to natural light.


Tuesday, October 6, 7pm: Envelope and Mechanical Systems

Thursday, October 8, 7pm: Structure

Tuesday, October 13, 7pm: Delight, Aesthetics

Thursday, October 15, 7pm: Student Involvement
