Yestermorrow In The World: Bob O'Hara

Since serving as an intern in 2008, Bob O'Hara has made the pilgrimage back to Yestermorrow twice, once as an attendee of the Re-Inventing Small Business class, and once in attendance of Yestermorrow’s 30th Anniversary celebration.

After his internship, Bob returned to his (newly) native New Orleans to become a solar technician. In 2009, he formed an employee-owned cooperative solar integration firm with 3 other technicians. Currently, the small group has collectively installed around 200 kW of photovoltaics and nearly 100 solar thermal systems.

Additionally, Bob became an EPA Certified Lead Renovator, whose first remediation project was his childhood home in Petersburg, Illinois. After long hours in a “space suit,” laying down poly, sanding, vacuuming, cleaning, and painting, the historic house finally began to shine.

When not on the roof or working on an MBA in Sustainable Business and Renewable Energy, Bob is renovating a small New Orleans creole cottage for his parents, utilizing the comprehensive skills which he honed at Yestermorrow.

The goal of the project is to (re)build a small, smart family home, emphasizing energy efficiency, historic preservation, recycled materials, and renewable energy. The project has recently begun, if anyone in the Yestermorrow community wants to help, hurry on down to New Orleans, this project has to be done by late April (JAZZFEST!!!)