New Meal Program is in Full Swing

That's right. We're living the high life here, eating 3 fabulous home-cooked meals a day!

No more hunting for ingredients at the local convenience store. No more lunch orders from the cafe down the road. No more gridlock in the self-service kitchen.

Instead, you get chatty Heidi, cooking up delicious meals using home-grown, local and organic ingredients (as much as she can get her hands on them). You get not-quite-so-chatty chef's helper Austin, and kitchen/garden intern Bradley, helping prepare those meals and foster the growth of those seedlings that will be plump tomatoes and succulant squashes come summer. You get brand new dining tables and benches, designed and lovingly built by our recently departed spring intern crew. You also get time and space to chat with your instructors and co-students, while munching away.

What could be better?

The author, astounded at the quality of the food.
Chef Heidi and some happy students.
