SketchUp is a 3D design program that’s easy to learn and fun to use. But dealing with complex models, such as a kitchen full of cabinets, can get tricky. That’s where this online course comes in. If you know SketchUp well enough to navigate in 3D space and make boxes of specific sizes, then you’re ready for this class. You will learn how to design carcasses, face-frames, doors and drawers – and produce a set of measured drawings for all cabinet parts. The course will also include a workflow in SketchUp that allows complex models to be managed efficiently. The workflow uses a combination of components, groups, tags and scenes – in a manner that makes viewing and editing multiple cabinets easy.
Please have SketchUp Pro installed and running on your computer before the class starts. You can download a free 30-day trial from or purchase a full version with an educational discount (Students will be given a letter certifying their enrollment that allows them to purchase SketchUp at a deeply discounted rate. ). All classes will meet on Zoom, therefore a reliable internet connection, camera and microphone are also required. A three-button mouse (mouse with a scroll wheel) is strongly recommended.
The April 2022 online SketchUp for Cabinetry course will be offered on Tuesday nights from 7:00-9:00pm from April 5 to April 26, 2022.