Stormwater/Wastewater Coordination

Hi folks,
Just a few updates from my meeting today with Peter Lazorchak and Andres Torizzo to talk about the coordination of stormwater and wastewater design and permitting…
We reviewed general timeline of working on these designs and permitting between now and September, then moving into Act 250 permitting over the winter, with the goal being that by May 2015 we have all necessary permits to start moving dirt and doing infrastructure work.
Stormwater permits- will need to be renewed annually (approx. $55) until project is fully complete- usually permit is good 10 years and can be extended
Wastewater permits- don’t need annual renewal
We agreed we should revisit our notes about the prime ag soils and remind ourselves how that was finally resolved (or if it was) with Act 250 folks to ensure that doesn’t trip us up down the road.
We wondered about the phasing of the Act 250 permit- are we submitting the full build out master plan, but how does that work over time with permit fees etc?
Wastewater questions for CORE team:
-          What standard do we want to design to for BOD/TSS? The initial proposal from BioHabitats is designed to treat to 10/10 mg/liter. The standard for advanced pretreatment is usually 30/30 mg/liter. The difference would likely mean whether or not we add the polishing sand filter- clearly an extra design step and added cost in construction.  
-          Nitrogen component- this is typically not regulated at the state level for a site like ours, but do we want to be treating nitrogen to a certain level? Peter’s opinion is that given the advanced pre-treatment plus excellent soils in the field that we do not need to take any extra steps for this, since a lot of what the plants in the constructed wetland are doing is treating nitrogen.
-          Test pits- Peter will coordinate the digging of test pits soon in collaboration with folks from the state. He will contact Kingsbury Construction to schedule that. Any reasons to not use Kingsbury vs. Andy DiMario? Kate will check with Dave Warren to see if we have any other excavation needs that might be done at the same time while the machine is here.
Water supply questions:
-          Does our current well have enough capacity for the full build out? Would we need to tap into the upper well? Has any pump testing been done previously on either well to determine their full capacity- this might have been done pre-YM as part of the proposed expansion. If not we need to consult a hydrogeologist and have that testing done.
Stormwater questions:
-          Can we have a swale between the existing main building and pond/wetland given the location of the existing septic storage tanks? (Peter to check with Pete Munoz about re-using existing tanks vs. replacement)
Next steps:

  • Map out location of disposal field given various setbacks from building envelopes on site plan
  • 2)      Talk to state about overall process for permitting constructed wetlands


  • Create scope of work document for Core Team to review; include overall site grading plan in scope (include any grading necessary for wastewater systems)
  • Talk to Tony Stout re: phasing of Act 250 permitting and make recommendations


  • Send DWG and PDF files of the site plans approved by Waitsfield DRB (Dated Jun 28, 2013) to Peter and Andres
  • Look back at correspondence about prime ag soils in upper meadow (Kinny, do you remember how this resolved?)
  • Check with Dave Warren re: excavation of test pits
  • Look up details on wells and see if we can find any old permits relating to water supply
  • Schedule next CORE team meeting/call to discuss questions above regarding wastewater treatment standards
