Core Team Minutes 12-10-12

CORE 12-10-12

·         Initial findings from Peter L showed that we don't have enough elevation difference to have the walkout arrangement shown on all out drawings...easily.
o    If the front of the school is at 784 and there is no articulation between it and the front of school building and the studio/shops then the back of the shops will need to be 794 (+ 2 or more for drainage). 
o    This gives us a grade difference of 10' between front  and back.  A flat quad between the existing school and the shops and also a big useable flat field in the upper area.
o    The new DRB date is Jan. 8th whatever is the second Tuesday in Jan
Materials need to be in the week before…..Kate will research and inform.
·         RESOLVED: Connect the building envelopes for the residential units and the shop studies.
·         RESOLVED: Kathy and Kin will be working up a turn-around for the entry.
·         RESOLVED: Remove the trees along the entry axis...or some of them.
·         RESOLVED: We need a Landscape Team to undertake the resolution of:
o    The turnaround.
o    The pedestrian access.
o    The Quad between the main building and the new buildings.
o    What the look will be through the different phases.

·         ACTION: Peter L to update the site plan

o    Topography

o    Path alignments

o    Connect all building envelopes

o    Lighting (narrative)

o    Screening (narrative)

o    Turn off old parking lot boundary

o    Label greenhouse and everything else….