Tom Rossmassler

Tom Rossmassler

HempStone’s Chief Embodied Officer


Tom is on a quest to create radically responsible architecture. He began HempStone in 2018 after earning an MBA in Entrepreneurship. Based in New England, HempStone is helping build carbon-beneficial infrastructure through consultation, construction, supply, and training services for hempcrete and other natural building systems. HempStone conducts research and testing of local materials and partners with farmers, processors, and manufacturers to help bring carbon-storing solutions to market. HempStone is proud to serve as a critical connector, operating collaboratively throughout our growing network to drastically reduce the carbon emissions of buildings.

Tom concurrently serves as CEO of Energia, a worker-owned insulation cooperative that he helped initiate in 2009. Energia primarily works with existing and new infrastructure, providing energy-efficient solutions at the residential, commercial, and institutional scales. Energia is a Mass Save installer and is immersed in federal and state initiatives to improve the energy efficiency of our building stock. As a result, Tom brings a deep understanding of where the wider construction world is at, and he is excited to be a key disruptor to the status quo through HempStone. In addition to business acumen, Tom brings to HempStone a deep understanding of the construction and real estate industries, experience with commercial real estate, sustainable construction, and renewable energy, and has built a career specializing in green housing and renewable energy.