WATCH: Henry Harris + Kenya Lazuli

Henry Harris + Kenya Lazuli joined us for the second offering in our 2021 Spring Speaker Series to lead a conversation dedicated to Building a Just Transition through the Climate Crisis. Together they provided an introduction to the connections between regenerative/"biophilic" building practices, access to land and housing for BIPOC people, and a resilient, survivable economy through the climate crisis. Just Construction is building physical infrastructure to contribute to the ability of leaders of color to participate in and lead this social movement, while at the same time working on tangible, reparative resources for racial equity and youth empowerment. Frames and straw-insulated panels are built by BIPOC people at the New Frameworks shop, and erected on-site by volunteers with Just Construction who also receive training in racial equity, construction, and how to work locally for the Just Transition.

This project is a partnership between the Center for Grassroots Organizing, Everytown, New Frameworks Natural Design/Build, and a number of BIPOC organizers through our Land Alliance network.

Below is a link to some of the organizations and initiative addressed through Henry + Kenya's discussion. 

  • This is the county by county climate data Kenya was referencing.
  • If you’re jazzed about BIPOC land access and what Kenya and Henry are saying, swing by the GoFundMe for Every Town!
  • Email [email protected] if you’d like an invite to the Neighbors meeting coming up!
  • A map of land that the Vermont Land Trust stewards.

Committee for General, Housing, and Military Affairs — write to the legislators and tell them you want to hear more testimony and real action on H.273

Rep. Thomas Stevens 
Rep. Joseph "Chip" Troiano 
Rep. Barbara Murphy 
Rep. Matthew Birong
Rep. Tiffany Bluemle 
Rep. Lisa Hango
Rep. Mary Howard 
Rep. John Killacky 
Rep. John Palasik 
Rep. Joseph Parsons 
Rep. Tommy Walz 


