2019 Semester in Sustainable Design/Build - Aye Aye, Captain!

October 25, 2019
By Madi Visser, Semester Program Teaching Assistant


Written by Emma Scott - I Am Job Captain


This week I was assigned the new, leadership role of Job Captain.  The introduction of this new title means that our instructors now have confidence that we students have the necessary knowledge to partially manage a job site.  We’ve gotten to the point where we’re able to foresee and plan for upcoming tasks.  A large part of this job is keeping to-do lists, enforcing safety and cleanliness, and fielding questions to instructors when I can’t answer them myself.  Each morning we meet with our instructors Mac and Andy to go over any questions or concerns for the day.  Each week, a new pair of students will take over as Job Captains, so next week I’ll pass on task lists and advice to them. Below are my daily checklists:



Screw newly welded plates to underside of building 
Sheath common room roof 
Finish framing exterior walls 


Discuss common room wall stiffener design ideas
Finalize overall budget and made fundraising calls
Begin sheathing upper parts of exterior walls
Instructors Mac & Andy built initial deck


Continue sheathing exterior walls


Continue sheathing exterior walls
Mac & Andy built bathroom/mudroom shear wall to keep the building from racking back and forth
Archie & Trey do siding study using reclaimed materials
Lily completes budget


Half day in preparation for this weekend’s Tiny House Festival
Continue sheathing exterior walls
Make site presentable and safe for visitors

Looking ahead to next week:

Sawyer & Chris propose wall stiffener designs
Finish exterior sheathing
Begin framing interior walls
Begin to apply house wrap, strapping, and siding

Aye aye captain!
